
Rhydon is a Ground/Rock type Pokémon introduced in Generation 1.

Rhydon artwork by Ken Sugimori

Additional artwork

Pokédex data

National № 0112
Type Ground Rock
Species Drill Pokémon
Height 1.9 m (6′03″)
Weight 120.0 kg (264.6 lbs)
Abilities 1. Lightning Rod
2. Rock Head
Reckless (hidden ability)
Local № 0112 (Red/Blue/Yellow)
0207 (Gold/Silver/Crystal)
0170 (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald)
0112 (FireRed/LeafGreen)
0187 (Platinum)
0212 (HeartGold/SoulSilver)
0051 (X/Y — Coastal Kalos)
0177 (Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire)
0112 (Let's Go Pikachu/Let's Go Eevee)
0265 (Sword/Shield)
0121 (Legends: Arceus)
0184 (The Isle of Armor)
0006 (The Indigo Disk)


EV yield 2 Attack
Catch rate 60 (7.8% with PokéBall, full HP)
Base Friendship 50 (normal)
Base Exp. 170
Growth Rate Slow


Egg Groups Field, Monster
Gender 50% male, 50% female
Egg cycles 20 (4,884–5,140 steps)

Base stats

HP 105
320 414
Attack 130
238 394
Defense 120
220 372
Sp. Atk 45
85 207
Sp. Def 45
85 207
Speed 40
76 196
Total 485 Min Max

The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs.

Type defenses

The effectiveness of each type on Rhydon.

Evolution chart

(Level 42)
Ground · Rock
(trade holding Protector)
Ground · Rock

Rhydon changes

Pokédex entries

Protected by an armor-like hide, it is capable of living in molten lava of 3,600 degrees.
Yellow Walks on its hind legs. Shows signs of intelligence. Its armor-like hide even repels molten lava.
Gold Its rugged hide protects it from even the heat of lava. However, the hide also makes it insensitive.
Silver Its brain developed when it began walking on hind legs. Its thick hide protects it even in magma.
Crystal By lightly spinning its drill-like horn, it can easily shatter even a diamond in the rough.
Ruby RHYDON’s horn can crush even uncut diamonds. One sweeping blow of its tail can topple a building. This POKéMON’s hide is extremely tough. Even direct cannon hits don’t leave a scratch.
Sapphire RHYDON has a horn that serves as a drill. It is used for destroying rocks and boulders. This POKéMON occasionally rams into streams of magma, but the armor-like hide prevents it from feeling the heat.
FireRed It begins walking on its hind legs after evolution. It can punch holes through boulders with its horn.
LeafGreen Protected by an armor-like hide, it is capable of living in molten lava of 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit.
Emerald Its horn, which rotates like a drill, destroys tall buildings with one strike. It stands on its hind legs, and its brain is well developed.
Its brain developed after it stood up on its hind legs. Its drill horn bores tunnels through solid rock.
Platinum Standing on its hind legs freed its forelegs and made it smarter. It is very forgetful, however.
HeartGold Its rugged hide protects it from even the heat of lava. However, the hide also makes it insensitive.
SoulSilver Its brain developed when it began walking on hind legs. Its thick hide protects it even in magma.
Black 2
White 2
Standing on its hind legs freed its forelegs and made it smarter. It is very forgetful, however.
X Protected by an armor-like hide, it is capable of living in molten lava of 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit.
Y It begins walking on its hind legs after evolution. It can punch holes through boulders with its horn.
Omega Ruby Rhydon’s horn can crush even uncut diamonds. One sweeping blow of its tail can topple a building. This Pokémon’s hide is extremely tough. Even direct cannon hits don’t leave a scratch.
Alpha Sapphire Rhydon has a horn that serves as a drill. It is used for destroying rocks and boulders. This Pokémon occasionally rams into streams of magma, but the armor-like hide prevents it from feeling the heat.
Let's Go Pikachu
Let's Go Eevee
Its brain developed when it began walking on its hind legs. Its armor-like hide even repels molten lava.
Sword It begins walking on its hind legs after evolution. It can punch holes through boulders with its horn.
Shield Protected by an armor-like hide, it is capable of living in molten lava of 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit.
Brilliant Diamond
Shining Pearl
Its brain developed after it stood up on its hind legs. Its drill horn bores tunnels through solid rock.
Legends: Arceus Rapidly rotates its horn to bore through bedrock. It swaggers around volcanic regions, protected from the lava’s heat by its tough, armorlike hide.

Moves learned by Rhydon

Moves learnt by level up

Rhydon learns the following moves in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet at the levels specified.

1BulldozeGroundPhysical 60 100
1Smack DownRockPhysical 50 100
1TackleNormalPhysical 40 100
1Tail WhipNormalStatus 100
15Horn AttackNormalPhysical 65 100
20Scary FaceNormalStatus 100
25StompNormalPhysical 65 100
30Rock BlastRockPhysical 25 90
35Drill RunGroundPhysical 80 95
40Take DownNormalPhysical 90 85
47EarthquakeGroundPhysical 100 100
54Stone EdgeRockPhysical 100 80
61MegahornBugPhysical 120 85
68Horn DrillNormalPhysical 30

Moves learnt on evolution

Rhydon learns the following moves when it evolves in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (regardless of level).

Hammer ArmFightingPhysical 100 90

Egg moves

Rhydon does not learn any moves by breeding in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.

Moves learnt by TM

Rhydon is compatible with these Technical Machines in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet:

01Take DownNormalPhysical 90 85
05Mud-SlapGroundSpecial 20 100
06Scary FaceNormalStatus 100
08Fire FangFirePhysical 65 95
09Thunder FangElectricPhysical 65 95
10Ice FangIcePhysical 65 95
18ThiefDarkPhysical 60 100
25FacadeNormalPhysical 70 100
28BulldozeGroundPhysical 60 100
34Icy WindIceSpecial 55 95
35Mud ShotGroundSpecial 55 95
36Rock TombRockPhysical 60 95
43FlingDarkPhysical 100
46AvalancheIcePhysical 60 100
49Sunny DayFireStatus
50Rain DanceWaterStatus
53Smart StrikeSteelPhysical 70
55DigGroundPhysical 80 100
58Brick BreakFightingPhysical 75 100
61Shadow ClawGhostPhysical 70 100
66Body SlamNormalPhysical 85 100
67Fire PunchFirePhysical 75 100
68Thunder PunchElectricPhysical 75 100
69Ice PunchIcePhysical 75 100
70Sleep TalkNormalStatus
76Rock BlastRockPhysical 25 90
83Poison JabPoisonPhysical 80 100
84Stomping TantrumGroundPhysical 75 100
86Rock SlideRockPhysical 75 90
88Swords DanceNormalStatus
89Body PressFightingPhysical 80 100
104Iron DefenseSteelStatus
106Drill RunGroundPhysical 80 95
108CrunchDarkPhysical 80 100
115Dragon PulseDragonSpecial 85 100
116Stealth RockRockStatus
121Heavy SlamSteelPhysical 100
123SurfWaterSpecial 90 100
125FlamethrowerFireSpecial 90 100
126ThunderboltElectricSpecial 90 100
130Helping HandNormalStatus
133Earth PowerGroundSpecial 90 100
134ReversalFightingPhysical 100
135Ice BeamIceSpecial 90 100
141Fire BlastFireSpecial 110 85
142Hydro PumpWaterSpecial 110 80
143BlizzardIceSpecial 110 70
149EarthquakeGroundPhysical 100 100
150Stone EdgeRockPhysical 100 80
152Giga ImpactNormalPhysical 150 90
156OutrageDragonPhysical 120 100
158Focus BlastFightingSpecial 120 70
163Hyper BeamNormalSpecial 150 90
166ThunderElectricSpecial 110 70
171Tera BlastNormalSpecial 80 100
179Smack DownRockPhysical 50 100
186High HorsepowerGroundPhysical 95 95
189Heat CrashFirePhysical 100
191UproarNormalSpecial 90 100
192Focus PunchFightingPhysical 150 100
204Double-EdgeNormalPhysical 120 100
205EndeavorNormalPhysical 100
210Supercell SlamElectricPhysical 100 95
215Scorching SandsGroundSpecial 70 100
220Meteor BeamRockSpecial 120 90
222Breaking SwipeDragonPhysical 60 100

Moves learnt by level up

Rhydon learns the following moves in Pokémon Legends: Arceus at the levels specified.

1TackleNormalPhysical 40 100
6BulldozeGroundPhysical 60 100
11Rock SmashFightingPhysical 40 100
18Stealth RockRockStatus
25Rock SlideRockPhysical 75 90
34High HorsepowerGroundPhysical 95 95
43Double-EdgeNormalPhysical 120 100
52Giga ImpactNormalPhysical 150 90

Move Tutor moves

Rhydon can be taught these attacks in Pokémon Legends: Arceus from move tutors:

Aqua TailWaterPhysical 90 90
BulldozeGroundPhysical 60 100
Earth PowerGroundSpecial 90 100
Fire FangFirePhysical 65 95
Fire PunchFirePhysical 75 100
FlamethrowerFireSpecial 90 100
Giga ImpactNormalPhysical 150 90
High HorsepowerGroundPhysical 95 95
Hyper BeamNormalSpecial 150 90
Ice BeamIceSpecial 90 100
Ice FangIcePhysical 65 95
Ice PunchIcePhysical 75 100
Icy WindIceSpecial 55 95
Iron TailSteelPhysical 100 75
MegahornBugPhysical 120 85
OutrageDragonPhysical 120 100
Poison JabPoisonPhysical 80 100
Rock SlideRockPhysical 75 90
Rock SmashFightingPhysical 40 100
Shadow ClawGhostPhysical 70 100
Stealth RockRockStatus
Stone EdgeRockPhysical 100 80
Thunder FangElectricPhysical 65 95
Thunder PunchElectricPhysical 75 100

Rhydon sprites

Type Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6 Generation 7 Generation 8 Generation 9
Normal Rhydon sprite from Red & Blue Rhydon sprite from Silver Rhydon sprite from Ruby & Sapphire Rhydon sprite from Diamond & Pearl Rhydon sprite from Black & White Rhydon sprite from X & Y Rhydon sprite from Sword & Shield Rhydon sprite from Scarlet & Violet
Shiny Rhydon Shiny sprite from Silver Rhydon Shiny sprite from Ruby & Sapphire Rhydon Shiny sprite from Diamond & Pearl Rhydon Shiny sprite from Black & White Rhydon Shiny sprite from X & Y

Where to find Rhydon

Cerulean Cave
Yellow Cerulean Cave, Cinnabar Island
Blackthorn City
Crystal Victory Road
Evolve Rhyhorn
Route 227, 228, Stark Mountain
Platinum Route 227, 228, Stark Mountain, Victory Road
Evolve Rhyhorn
Black Trade/migrate from another game
White Evolve Rhyhorn
Black 2
White 2
Trade/migrate from another game
Omega Ruby
Alpha Sapphire
Evolve Rhyhorn
Ultra Sun
Ultra Moon
Evolve Rhyhorn
Let's Go Pikachu
Let's Go Eevee
Cerulean Cave, Victory Road
Route 10, Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage
Brilliant Diamond
Shining Pearl
Route 227, 228, Stark Mountain, Spacious Cave, Rocky Cave, Sandsear Cave, Big Bluff Cavern
Legends: Arceus Celestica Trail, Sacred Plaza, Space-Time Distortion
Location data not yet available

Answers to Rhydon questions

Other languages

English Rhydon
Japanese サイドン (Sidon)
German Rizeros
French Rhinoféros
Italian Rhydon
Spanish Rhydon
Korean 코뿌리 (koppuri)
Chinese (Simplified) 钻角犀兽
Chinese (Traditional) 鑽角犀獸


English Drill Pokémon
Japanese ドリルポケモン
German Bohrer-Pokémon
French Pokémon Perceur
Italian Pokémon Trapano
Spanish Pokémon Taladro
Korean 드릴포켓몬
Chinese (Simplified) 钻锥宝可梦
Chinese (Traditional) 鑽錐寶可夢

Name origin

large African mammal
of great size/importance; lord or master