
Octillery is a Water type Pokémon introduced in Generation 2.

Octillery artwork by Ken Sugimori

Additional artwork

Pokédex data

National № 0224
Type Water
Species Jet Pokémon
Height 0.9 m (2′11″)
Weight 28.5 kg (62.8 lbs)
Abilities 1. Suction Cups
2. Sniper
Moody (hidden ability)
Local № 0173 (Gold/Silver/Crystal)
0133 (Diamond/Pearl)
0133 (Platinum)
0175 (HeartGold/SoulSilver)
0236 (Black 2/White 2)
0145 (X/Y — Coastal Kalos)
0144 (U.Sun/U.Moon — Alola dex)
0149 (Sword/Shield)
0133 (Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl)
0147 (Legends: Arceus)
0045 (The Isle of Armor)


EV yield 1 Attack, 1 Sp. Atk
Catch rate 75 (9.8% with PokéBall, full HP)
Base Friendship 50 (normal)
Base Exp. 168
Growth Rate Medium Fast


Egg Groups Water 1, Water 2
Gender 50% male, 50% female
Egg cycles 20 (4,884–5,140 steps)

Base stats

HP 75
260 354
Attack 105
193 339
Defense 75
139 273
Sp. Atk 105
193 339
Sp. Def 75
139 273
Speed 45
85 207
Total 480 Min Max

The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs.

Type defenses

The effectiveness of each type on Octillery.

Evolution chart

(Level 25)

Octillery changes

Pokédex entries

Gold It traps enemies with its suction-cupped tentacles then smashes them with its rock-hard head.
Silver It instinctively sneaks into rocky holes. If it gets sleepy, it steals the nest of a fellow OCTILLERY.
Crystal Its instinct is to bury itself in holes. It often steals the nesting holes of others to sleep in them.
OCTILLERY grabs onto its foe using its tentacles. This POKéMON tries to immobilize it before delivering the finishing blow. If the foe turns out to be too strong, OCTILLERY spews ink to escape.
FireRed It instinctively sneaks into rocky holes. If it gets sleepy, it steals the nest of a fellow OCTILLERY.
LeafGreen It traps enemies with its suction-cupped tentacles, then smashes them with its rock-hard head.
Emerald It ensnares its foe with its suction-cupped tentacles before delivering the finishing blow. If the foe turns out to be too strong, it spews ink to escape.
Diamond It lives in the gaps of boulders and in holes on the seafloor. Its suction cups grip prey tightly.
Pearl It obscures its foe’s vision by spitting a cloud of murky ink. It makes its nest among boulders.
Platinum It loves to lurk inside holes in rocks. It sometimes sprays ink on prey by sticking out only its mouth.
HeartGold It traps foes with the suction cups on its tentacles, then smashes them with its rock-hard head.
SoulSilver It instinctively sneaks into rocky holes. If it gets sleepy, it steals the nest of a fellow OCTILLERY.
It loves to lurk inside holes in rocks. It sometimes sprays ink on prey by sticking out only its mouth.
Black 2
White 2
It has a tendency to want to be in holes. It prefers rock crags or pots and sprays ink from them before attacking.
X It has a tendency to want to be in holes. It prefers rock crags or pots and sprays ink from them before attacking.
Y It traps foes with the suction cups on its tentacles, then smashes them with its rock-hard head.
Omega Ruby
Alpha Sapphire
Octillery grabs onto its foe using its tentacles. This Pokémon tries to immobilize it before delivering the finishing blow. If the foe turns out to be too strong, Octillery spews ink to escape.
Ultra Sun The ink it spits when escaping is special. It contains a substance that dulls the sense of smell, so Pokémon with keen noses get lost.
Ultra Moon It usually sleeps in caves. The pitch-black ink that Octillery spits is also used for cooking.
Sword It has a tendency to want to be in holes. It prefers rock crags or pots and sprays ink from them before attacking.
Shield It traps enemies with its suction-cupped tentacles, then smashes them with its rock-hard head.
Brilliant Diamond It lives in the gaps of boulders and in holes on the seafloor. Its suction cups grip prey tightly.
Shining Pearl It obscures its foe’s vision by spitting a cloud of black ink. It makes its nest among boulders.
Legends: Arceus While Octillery still shoots water from its mouth, the drastic anatomical difference between it and Remoraid meant that for a long time, no one believed the former evolved from the latter.

Moves learned by Octillery

Moves learnt by level up

Octillery learns the following moves in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl at the levels specified.

1Focus EnergyNormalStatus
1Gunk ShotPoisonPhysical 120 80
1Helping HandNormalStatus
1OctazookaWaterSpecial 65 85
1Rock BlastRockPhysical 25 90
1Water GunWaterSpecial 40 100
1Water PulseWaterSpecial 60 100
1WrapNormalPhysical 15 90
12PsybeamPsychicSpecial 65 100
16Aurora BeamIceSpecial 65 100
20Bubble BeamWaterSpecial 65 100
30Bullet SeedGrassPhysical 25 100
36Ice BeamIceSpecial 90 100
42Hydro PumpWaterSpecial 110 80
48SoakWaterStatus 100
54Hyper BeamNormalSpecial 150 90

Moves learnt on evolution

Octillery learns the following moves when it evolves in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl (regardless of level).

OctazookaWaterSpecial 65 85

Egg moves

Octillery learns the following moves via breeding in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl. Details and compatible parents can be found on the Octillery gen 8 learnset page.

Acid SprayPoisonSpecial 40 100
Aurora BeamIceSpecial 65 100
EntrainmentNormalStatus 100
FlailNormalPhysical 100
Mud ShotGroundSpecial 55 95
OctazookaWaterSpecial 65 85
Rock BlastRockPhysical 25 90
ScreechNormalStatus 85
SnoreNormalSpecial 50 100
SupersonicNormalStatus 55
SwiftNormalSpecial 60
Water SpoutWaterSpecial 150 100

Moves learnt by TM

Octillery is compatible with these Technical Machines in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl:

03Water PulseWaterSpecial 60 100
09Bullet SeedGrassPhysical 25 100
11Sunny DayFireStatus
13Ice BeamIceSpecial 90 100
14BlizzardIceSpecial 110 70
15Hyper BeamNormalSpecial 150 90
18Rain DanceWaterStatus
29PsychicPsychicSpecial 90 100
32Double TeamNormalStatus
35FlamethrowerFireSpecial 90 100
36Sludge BombPoisonSpecial 90 100
38Fire BlastFireSpecial 110 85
42FacadeNormalPhysical 70 100
45AttractNormalStatus 100
46ThiefDarkPhysical 60 100
49ScaldWaterSpecial 80 100
53Energy BallGrassSpecial 90 100
55BrineWaterSpecial 65 100
57Charge BeamElectricSpecial 50 90
66PaybackDarkPhysical 50 100
68Giga ImpactNormalPhysical 150 90
73Thunder WaveElectricStatus 90
82Sleep TalkNormalStatus
87SwaggerNormalStatus 85
91Flash CannonSteelSpecial 80 100
95SurfWaterSpecial 90 100
99WaterfallWaterPhysical 80 100

Moves learnt by level up

Octillery learns the following moves in Pokémon Legends: Arceus at the levels specified.

?OctazookaWaterSpecial 65 85
1BubbleWaterSpecial 40 100
6Acid SprayPoisonSpecial 40 100
11Charge BeamElectricSpecial 50 90
18Water PulseWaterSpecial 60 100
25Ice BeamIceSpecial 90 100
34Hydro PumpWaterSpecial 110 80
43Hyper BeamNormalSpecial 150 90

Move Tutor moves

Octillery can be taught these attacks in Pokémon Legends: Arceus from move tutors:

Charge BeamElectricSpecial 50 90
Energy BallGrassSpecial 90 100
FlamethrowerFireSpecial 90 100
Flash CannonSteelSpecial 80 100
Focus EnergyNormalStatus
Giga ImpactNormalPhysical 150 90
Hyper BeamNormalSpecial 150 90
Ice BeamIceSpecial 90 100
Icy WindIceSpecial 55 95
PsychicPsychicSpecial 90 100
Sludge BombPoisonSpecial 90 100
SwiftNormalSpecial 60
Water PulseWaterSpecial 60 100

Octillery sprites

Type Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6 Generation 7 Generation 8 Generation 9
Normal Octillery sprite from Silver Octillery sprite from Ruby & Sapphire Octillery sprite from Diamond & Pearl Octillery sprite from Black & White Octillery sprite from X & Y Octillery sprite from Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Octillery sprite from Sword & Shield
Shiny Octillery Shiny sprite from Silver Octillery Shiny sprite from Ruby & Sapphire Octillery Shiny sprite from Diamond & Pearl Octillery Shiny sprite from Black & White Octillery Shiny sprite from X & Y Octillery Shiny sprite from Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon

Where to find Octillery

Evolve Remoraid
Crystal Trade/migrate from another game
Trade/migrate from another game
LeafGreen Evolve Remoraid
Emerald Safari Zone
Route 213, 222, 223, 224, 230, Pastoria City, Pokémon League, Sunyshore City
Platinum Route 212, 213, 222, 223, 224, 230, Pastoria City, Pokémon League, Sunyshore City
Evolve Remoraid
Undella Bay, Undella Town
Black 2
White 2
Route 21, Undella Bay
Route 12, Shalour City, Azure Bay
Omega Ruby
Alpha Sapphire
Battle Resort
Trade/migrate from another game
Ultra Sun
Ultra Moon
Route 8, Melemele Sea, Kala'e Bay, Hau'oli City
Let's Go Pikachu
Let's Go Eevee
Not available in this game
Route 9, Axew's Eye, Fields of Honor, Workout Sea
Brilliant Diamond
Shining Pearl
Route 213, 222, 223, 224, 230, Pastoria City, Pokémon League, Sunyshore City, Fountainspring Cave, Riverbank Cave, Still-Water Cavern
Legends: Arceus Castaway Shore, Islespy Shore
Location data not yet available

Answers to Octillery questions

Other languages

English Octillery
Japanese オクタン (Okutank)
German Octillery
French Octillery
Italian Octillery
Spanish Octillery
Korean 대포무노 (daepomuno)
Chinese (Simplified) 章鱼桶
Chinese (Traditional) 章魚桶


English Jet Pokémon
Japanese ふんしゃポケモン
German Hochdruck-Pokémon
French Pokémon Jet
Italian Pokémon Jet
Spanish Pokémon Reactor
Korean 분사포켓몬
Chinese (Simplified) 喷射宝可梦
Chinese (Traditional) 噴射寶可夢

Name origin

marine creature with eight tentacles