
Maushold is a Normal type Pokémon introduced in Generation 9.

Evolution of Tandemaus. Maushold has two forms with differing appearance.

Pokédex data

National № 0925
Type Normal
Species Family Pokémon
Height 0.3 m (1′00″)
Weight 2.8 kg (6.2 lbs)
Abilities 1. Friend Guard
2. Cheek Pouch
Technician (hidden ability)
Local № 0072 (Scarlet/Violet)
0098 (The Teal Mask)


EV yield 2 Speed
Catch rate 75 (9.8% with PokéBall, full HP)
Base Friendship 50 (normal)
Base Exp. 165
Growth Rate Fast


Egg Groups Fairy, Field
Gender Genderless
Egg cycles 10 (2,314–2,570 steps)

Base stats

HP 74
258 352
Attack 75
139 273
Defense 70
130 262
Sp. Atk 65
121 251
Sp. Def 75
139 273
Speed 111
204 353
Total 470 Min Max

The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs.

Type defenses

The effectiveness of each type on Maushold.

Maushold (Family of Three)

Pokédex data

National № 0925
Type Normal
Species Family Pokémon
Height 0.3 m (1′00″)
Weight 2.3 kg (5.1 lbs)
Abilities 1. Friend Guard
2. Cheek Pouch
Technician (hidden ability)
Local № 0072 (Scarlet/Violet)
0098 (The Teal Mask)


EV yield 2 Speed
Catch rate 75 (9.8% with PokéBall, full HP)
Base Friendship 50 (normal)
Base Exp. 165
Growth Rate Fast


Egg Groups Fairy, Field
Gender Genderless
Egg cycles 10 (2,314–2,570 steps)

Base stats

HP 74
258 352
Attack 75
139 273
Defense 70
130 262
Sp. Atk 65
121 251
Sp. Def 75
139 273
Speed 111
204 353
Total 470 Min Max

The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs.

Type defenses

The effectiveness of each type on Maushold.

Evolution chart

(Level 25, rare)
Maushold (Family of Three)#0925
Family of Three
(Level 25)
Maushold (Family of Four)#0925
Family of Four

Pokédex entries

Family of Four

Scarlet The two little ones just appeared one day. The group might be a family of related Pokémon, but nobody knows for sure.
Violet The larger pair protects the little ones during battles. When facing strong opponents, the whole group will join the fight.

Family of Three

Scarlet They build huge nests with many rooms that are used for different purposes, such as eating and sleeping.
Violet The little one just appeared one day. They all live together like a family, but the relationship between the three is still unclear.

Moves learned by Maushold

Moves learnt by level up

Maushold learns the following moves in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet at the levels specified.

1Baby-Doll EyesFairyStatus 100
1Follow MeNormalStatus
1PoundNormalPhysical 40 100
1Tidy UpNormalStatus
5Echoed VoiceNormalSpecial 40 100
8Helping HandNormalStatus
11Super FangNormalPhysical 90
14Double HitNormalPhysical 35 90
18Bullet SeedGrassPhysical 25 100
22EncoreNormalStatus 100
29Play RoughFairyPhysical 90 90
33Hyper VoiceNormalSpecial 90 100
37CharmFairyStatus 100
41Beat UpDarkPhysical 100
53Population BombNormalPhysical 20 90

Egg moves

Maushold learns the following moves via breeding or picnics in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. Details and compatible parents can be found on the Maushold gen 9 learnset page.

After YouNormalStatus
Baton PassNormalStatus
BiteDarkPhysical 60 100
FeintNormalPhysical 30 100
SwitcherooDarkStatus 100
TickleNormalStatus 100

Moves learnt by TM

Maushold is compatible with these Technical Machines in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet:

01Take DownNormalPhysical 90 85
02CharmFairyStatus 100
03Fake TearsDarkStatus 100
05Mud-SlapGroundSpecial 20 100
11Water PulseWaterSpecial 60 100
12Low KickFightingPhysical 100
18ThiefDarkPhysical 60 100
20TrailblazeGrassPhysical 50 100
22Chilling WaterWaterSpecial 50 100
25FacadeNormalPhysical 70 100
27Aerial AceFlyingPhysical 60
32SwiftNormalSpecial 60
35Mud ShotGroundSpecial 55 95
39Low SweepFightingPhysical 65 100
49Sunny DayFireStatus
50Rain DanceWaterStatus
55DigGroundPhysical 80 100
56Bullet SeedGrassPhysical 25 100
60U-turnBugPhysical 70 100
61Shadow ClawGhostPhysical 70 100
70Sleep TalkNormalStatus
71Seed BombGrassPhysical 80 100
81Grass KnotGrassSpecial 100
82Thunder WaveElectricStatus 90
87TauntDarkStatus 100
108CrunchDarkPhysical 80 100
117Hyper VoiceNormalSpecial 90 100
122EncoreNormalStatus 100
127Play RoughFairyPhysical 90 90
130Helping HandNormalStatus
152Giga ImpactNormalPhysical 150 90
163Hyper BeamNormalSpecial 150 90
171Tera BlastNormalSpecial 80 100

Maushold sprites

Type Generation 9
Normal Maushold sprite from Scarlet & Violet

Where to find Maushold

Location data not yet available

Answers to Maushold questions

Other languages

English Maushold
Japanese イッカネズミ
German Famieps
French Famignol
Italian Maushold
Spanish Maushold
Korean 파밀리쥐
Chinese (Simplified) 一家鼠
Chinese (Traditional) 一家鼠


English Family Pokémon
Japanese ファミリーポケモン
German Familien-Pokémon
French Pokémon Famille
Italian Pokémon Famiglia
Spanish Pokémon Familia
Korean 패밀리포켓몬
Chinese (Simplified) 家族宝可梦
Chinese (Traditional) 家族寶可夢

Name origin

German for ‘mouse’, a small rodent
a family or occupants of a dwelling