
Golbat is a Poison/Flying type Pokémon introduced in Generation 1.

Golbat artwork by Ken Sugimori

Additional artwork

Pokédex data

National № 0042
Type Poison Flying
Species Bat Pokémon
Height 1.6 m (5′03″)
Weight 55.0 kg (121.3 lbs)
Abilities 1. Inner Focus
Infiltrator (hidden ability)
Local № 0042 (Yellow/Red/Blue)
0038 (Gold/Silver/Crystal)
0064 (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald)
0042 (FireRed/LeafGreen)
0029 (Diamond/Pearl)
0029 (Platinum)
0038 (HeartGold/SoulSilver)
0062 (Black 2/White 2)
0146 (X/Y — Central Kalos)
0066 (Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire)
0069 (Sun/Moon — Alola dex)
0081 (U.Sun/U.Moon — Alola dex)
0042 (Let's Go Pikachu/Let's Go Eevee)
0029 (Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl)
0035 (Legends: Arceus)
0145 (The Crown Tundra)


EV yield 2 Speed
Catch rate 90 (11.8% with PokéBall, full HP)
Base Friendship 50 (normal)
Base Exp. 159
Growth Rate Medium Fast


Egg Groups Flying
Gender 50% male, 50% female
Egg cycles 15 (3,599–3,855 steps)

Base stats

HP 75
260 354
Attack 80
148 284
Defense 70
130 262
Sp. Atk 65
121 251
Sp. Def 75
139 273
Speed 90
166 306
Total 455 Min Max

The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs.

Type defenses

The effectiveness of each type on Golbat.

Evolution chart

Poison · Flying
(Level 22) (high Friendship)
Poison · Flying

Golbat changes

Pokédex entries

Once it strikes, it will not stop draining energy from the victim even if it gets too heavy to fly.
Yellow It attacks in a stealthy manner, without warning. Its sharp fangs are used to bite and suck blood.
Gold However hard its victim’s hide may be, it punctures with sharp fangs and gorges itself with blood.
Silver It can drink more than 10 ounces of blood at once. If it has too much, it gets heavy and flies clumsily.
Crystal When it plunges its fangs into its prey, it instantly draws and gulps down more than ten ounces of blood.
Ruby GOLBAT loves to drink the blood of living things. It is particularly active in the pitch black of night. This POKéMON flits around in the night skies, seeking fresh blood.
Sapphire GOLBAT bites down on prey with its four fangs and drinks the victim’s blood. It becomes active on inky dark moonless nights, flying around to attack people and POKéMON.
FireRed It clamps down on its prey with needle-sharp fangs and drains over 10 ounces of blood in one gulp.
LeafGreen Once it bites, it will not stop draining energy from the victim even if it gets too heavy to fly.
Emerald Its fangs easily puncture even thick animal hide. It loves to feast on the blood of people and POKéMON. It flits about in darkness and strikes from behind.
Diamond It loves the blood of humans and Pokémon. It flies around at night in search of neck veins.
Pearl Once it starts sucking blood, it does not stop until it is full. It flies at night in search of prey.
Platinum Its sharp fangs puncture the toughest of hides and have small holes for greedily sucking blood.
HeartGold However hard its victim’s hide may be, it punctures with sharp fangs and gorges itself with blood.
SoulSilver It can drink more than 10 ounces of blood at once. If it has too much, it gets heavy and flies clumsily.
Its sharp fangs puncture the toughest of hides and have small holes for greedily sucking blood.
Black 2
White 2
Flitting around in the dead of night, it sinks its fangs into its prey and drains a nearly fatal amount of blood.
X Once it bites, it will not stop draining energy from the victim even if it gets too heavy to fly.
Y Once it starts sucking blood, it does not stop until it is full. It flies at night in search of prey.
Omega Ruby Golbat loves to drink the blood of living things. It is particularly active in the pitch black of night. This Pokémon flits around in the night skies, seeking fresh blood.
Alpha Sapphire Golbat bites down on prey with its four fangs and drinks the victim’s blood. It becomes active on inky dark moonless nights, flying around to attack people and Pokémon.
Sun Its thick fangs are hollow like straws, making them unexpectedly fragile. These fangs are specialized for sucking blood.
Moon Sometimes they drink so much blood, they can’t fly anymore. Then they fall to the ground and become food for other Pokémon.
Ultra Sun Every once in a while, you’ll see a Golbat that’s missing some fangs. This happens when hunger drives it to try biting a Steel-type Pokémon.
Ultra Moon They can suck down over 10 ounces of blood in one go. They have been known to drink so much blood that they can no longer fly.
Let's Go Pikachu
Let's Go Eevee
It attacks in a stealthy manner, without warning. Its sharp fangs are used to bite and to suck blood.
Sword It loves to drink other creatures’ blood. It’s said that if it finds others of its kind going hungry, it sometimes shares the blood it’s gathered.
Shield Its feet are tiny, but this Pokémon walks skillfully. It sneaks up on sleeping prey before sinking in its fangs and slurping up blood.
Brilliant Diamond It loves the blood of humans and Pokémon. It flies around at night in search of neck veins.
Shining Pearl Once it starts sucking blood, it does not stop until it is full. It flies at night in search of prey.
Legends: Arceus It sinks its sharp fangs into other creatures and slurps up their blood. A closer look at the fangs reveals that they are hollow and akin to straws.

Moves learned by Golbat

Moves learnt by level up

Golbat learns the following moves in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl at the levels specified.

1AbsorbGrassSpecial 20 100
1AstonishGhostPhysical 30 100
1Mean LookNormalStatus
1ScreechNormalStatus 85
1SupersonicNormalStatus 55
15Poison FangPoisonPhysical 50 100
20Quick GuardFightingStatus
27Air CutterFlyingSpecial 60 95
34BiteDarkPhysical 60 100
48VenoshockPoisonSpecial 65 100
55Confuse RayGhostStatus 100
62Air SlashFlyingSpecial 75 95
69Leech LifeBugPhysical 80 100

Egg moves

Golbat learns the following moves via breeding in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl. Details and compatible parents can be found on the Golbat gen 8 learnset page.

Brave BirdFlyingPhysical 120 100
GustFlyingSpecial 40 100
HypnosisPsychicStatus 60
Quick AttackNormalPhysical 40 100
Venom DrenchPoisonStatus 100
Wing AttackFlyingPhysical 60 100
Zen HeadbuttPsychicPhysical 80 90

Moves learnt by TM

Golbat is compatible with these Technical Machines in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl:

11Sunny DayFireStatus
12TauntDarkStatus 100
15Hyper BeamNormalSpecial 150 90
18Rain DanceWaterStatus
19Giga DrainGrassSpecial 75 100
30Shadow BallGhostSpecial 80 100
32Double TeamNormalStatus
36Sludge BombPoisonSpecial 90 100
40Aerial AceFlyingPhysical 60
41TormentDarkStatus 100
42FacadeNormalPhysical 70 100
45AttractNormalStatus 100
46ThiefDarkPhysical 60 100
47Steel WingSteelPhysical 70 90
63Nasty PlotDarkStatus
66PaybackDarkPhysical 50 100
68Giga ImpactNormalPhysical 150 90
82Sleep TalkNormalStatus
87SwaggerNormalStatus 85
88PluckFlyingPhysical 60 100
89U-turnBugPhysical 70 100
94FlyFlyingPhysical 90 95

Moves learnt by level up

Golbat learns the following moves in Pokémon Legends: Arceus at the levels specified.

1GustFlyingSpecial 40 100
6HypnosisPsychicStatus 60
11BiteDarkPhysical 60 100
18Air CutterFlyingSpecial 60 95
25Cross PoisonPoisonPhysical 70 100
34Air SlashFlyingSpecial 75 95
43Leech LifeBugPhysical 80 100

Move Tutor moves

Golbat can be taught these attacks in Pokémon Legends: Arceus from move tutors:

Aerial AceFlyingPhysical 60
Giga ImpactNormalPhysical 150 90
Hyper BeamNormalSpecial 150 90
Leech LifeBugPhysical 80 100
Ominous WindGhostSpecial 60 100
Shadow BallGhostSpecial 80 100
Sludge BombPoisonSpecial 90 100
SwiftNormalSpecial 60
Zen HeadbuttPsychicPhysical 80 90

Golbat sprites

Type Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6 Generation 7 Generation 8 Generation 9
Normal Golbat sprite from Red & Blue Golbat sprite from Silver Golbat sprite from Ruby & Sapphire Golbat sprite from Diamond & Pearl Golbat sprite from Black & White Golbat sprite from X & Y Golbat sprite from Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Golbat sprite from Sword & Shield
Shiny Golbat Shiny sprite from Silver Golbat Shiny sprite from Ruby & Sapphire Golbat Shiny sprite from Diamond & Pearl Golbat Shiny sprite from Black & White Golbat Shiny sprite from X & Y Golbat Shiny sprite from Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon

Where to find Golbat

Cerulean Cave, Seafoam Islands, Victory Road
Dark Cave, Ice Path, Mt. Mortar, Mt. Silver, Slowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls, Union Cave, Whirl Islands, Victory Road
Crystal Route 28, 42, Dark Cave, Ice Path, Mt. Mortar, Mt. Silver, Rock Tunnel, Slowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls, Union Cave, Whirl Islands, Victory Road
Cave of Origin, Meteor Falls, Seafloor Cavern, Shoal Cave, Sky Pillar, Victory Road
Cerulean Cave, Icefall Cave, Lost Cave, Seafoam Islands, Victory Road
Emerald Cave of Origin, Meteor Falls, Seafloor Cavern, Shoal Cave, Sky Pillar, Victory Road
Route 227, Iron Island, Lost Tower, Mt. Coronet, Oreburgh Gate, Ravaged Path, Snowpoint Temple, Stark Mountain, Turnback Cave, Victory Road
Platinum Route 227, Iron Island, Mt. Coronet, Oreburgh Gate, Ravaged Path, Sendoff Spring, Snowpoint Temple, Stark Mountain, Turnback Cave, Victory Road
Cerulean Cave, Cliff Cave, Dark Cave, Ice Path, Mt. Mortar, Mt. Silver, Seafoam Islands, Slowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls, Union Cave, Whirl Islands, Victory Road
Route 13, Giant Chasm
Black 2
White 2
Dreamyard, Celestial Tower, Strange House
Evolve Zubat
Omega Ruby
Alpha Sapphire
Cave of Origin, Meteor Falls, Scorched Slab, Seafloor Cavern, Sealed Chamber, Shoal Cave, Sky Pillar, Victory Road
Mount Lanakila, Thrifty Megamart, Vast Poni Canyon, Resolution Cave
Ultra Sun
Ultra Moon
Memorial Hill, Diglett's Tunnel, Lush Jungle, Mount Lanakila, Thrifty Megamart, Vast Poni Canyon, Resolution Cave
Let's Go Pikachu
Let's Go Eevee
Cerulean Cave, Pokémon Tower, Rock Tunnel, Seafoam Islands, Victory Road
Evolve Zubat
Brilliant Diamond
Shining Pearl
Route 227, Iron Island, Lost Tower, Mt. Coronet, Oreburgh Gate, Ravaged Path, Snowpoint Temple, Stark Mountain, Turnback Cave, Victory Road, Spacious Cave, Grassland Cave, Swampy Cave, Sunlit Cavern, Bogsunk Cavern
Legends: Arceus Oreburrow Tunnel, Bolderoll Slope, Cloudpool Ridge, Diamond Heath, Heavenward Lookout, Snowpoint Temple, Wayward Cave
Location data not yet available

Answers to Golbat questions

Other languages

English Golbat
Japanese ゴルバット (Golbat)
German Golbat
French Nosferalto
Italian Golbat
Spanish Golbat
Korean 골뱃 (golbaet)
Chinese (Simplified) 大嘴蝠
Chinese (Traditional) 大嘴蝠


English Bat Pokémon
Japanese こうもりポケモン
German Fledermaus-Pokémon
French Pokémon Chovsouris
Italian Pokémon Pipistrello
Spanish Pokémon Murciélago
Korean 박쥐포켓몬
Chinese (Simplified) 蝙蝠宝可梦
Chinese (Traditional) 蝙蝠寶可夢

Name origin

to eat or drink quickly
cave-dwelling flying mammal