
Blissey is a Normal type Pokémon introduced in Generation 2.

Blissey artwork by Ken Sugimori

Additional artwork

Pokédex data

National № 0242
Type Normal
Species Happiness Pokémon
Height 1.5 m (4′11″)
Weight 46.8 kg (103.2 lbs)
Abilities 1. Natural Cure
2. Serene Grace
Healer (hidden ability)
Local № 0218 (Gold/Silver/Crystal)
0098 (Diamond/Pearl)
0098 (Platinum)
0223 (HeartGold/SoulSilver)
0034 (Sun/Moon — Alola dex)
0041 (U.Sun/U.Moon — Alola dex)
0098 (Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl)
0088 (Legends: Arceus)
0045 (Scarlet/Violet)
0008 (The Isle of Armor)
0018 (The Indigo Disk)


EV yield 3 HP
Catch rate 30 (3.9% with PokéBall, full HP)
Base Friendship 140 (higher than normal)
Base Exp. 635
Growth Rate Fast


Egg Groups Fairy
Gender 0% male, 100% female
Egg cycles 40 (10,024–10,280 steps)

Base stats

HP 255
620 714
Attack 10
22 130
Defense 10
22 130
Sp. Atk 75
139 273
Sp. Def 135
247 405
Speed 55
103 229
Total 540 Min Max

The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs.

Type defenses

The effectiveness of each type on Blissey.

Evolution chart

(hold Oval Stone, Daytime) (high Friendship)

Blissey changes

Pokédex entries

Gold Anyone who takes even one bite of BLISSEY’s egg becomes unfailingly caring and pleasant to everyone.
Silver It has a very compassionate nature. If it sees a sick POKéMON, it will nurse the sufferer back to health.
Crystal Biting into one of the delicious eggs that BLISSEY provides will make everyone around smile with joy.
BLISSEY senses sadness with its fluffy coat of fur. If it does so, this POKéMON will rush over to the sad person, however far they may be, to share an egg of happiness that brings a smile to any face.
FireRed It has a very compassionate nature. If it sees a sick POKéMON, it will nurse the sufferer back to health.
LeafGreen Anyone who takes even one bite of BLISSEY’s egg becomes unfailingly caring and pleasant to everyone.
Emerald If it senses sadness with its fluffy fur, a BLISSEY will rush over to the sad person, however far away, to share an egg of happiness that brings a smile to any face.
Diamond This kindhearted Pokémon nurses sick Pokémon to health. It senses feelings of sadness.
Pearl It is a Pokémon that delivers happiness. Eating its egg is said to make one kind to everyone.
Platinum The eggs it lays are filled with happiness. Eating even one bite will bring a smile to anyone.
HeartGold Anyone who takes even one taste of BLISSEY’s egg becomes unfailingly caring and pleasant to everyone.
SoulSilver It has a very compassionate nature. If it sees a sick Pokémon, it will nurse the sufferer back to health.
Black 2
White 2
The eggs it lays are filled with happiness. Eating even one bite will bring a smile to anyone.
X The eggs it lays are filled with happiness. Eating even one bite will bring a smile to anyone.
Y This kindhearted Pokémon nurses sick Pokémon to health. It senses feelings of sadness.
Omega Ruby
Alpha Sapphire
Blissey senses sadness with its fluffy coat of fur. If it does so, this Pokémon will rush over to a sad person, no matter how far away, to share a Lucky Egg that brings a smile to any face.
Sun Even the most ferocious Pokémon become calm when they eat Blissey’s egg, which is said to be filled with happiness.
Moon Its fluffy fur coat acts as a sensor, enabling it to read the feelings of people and Pokémon.
Ultra Sun Their eggs are such a delicacy that some say eating one will bring you happiness. These eggs fetch the highest prices on the market.
Ultra Moon This Pokémon is overflowing with love. Only Chansey that share a strong bond with their Trainer can evolve, so people say.
Sword Whenever a Blissey finds a weakened Pokémon, it will share its egg and offer its care until the other Pokémon is all better.
Shield Blissey lays mysterious eggs that are filled with happiness. It’s said that anyone who eats a Blissey egg will start acting kindly to all others.
Brilliant Diamond This kindhearted Pokémon nurses sick Pokémon to health. It senses feelings of sadness.
Shining Pearl It is a Pokémon that delivers happiness. Eating its egg is said to make one kind to everyone.
Legends: Arceus A kindhearted Pokémon that will care for any sick person or Pokémon until their health improves. The eggs it lays are delicious and bring good fortune to those who eat them.
Scarlet Anyone who takes even one taste of Blissey’s egg becomes unfailingly caring and pleasant to everyone.
Violet The eggs it lays are filled with happiness. Eating even one bite will bring a smile to anyone.

Moves learned by Blissey

Moves learnt by level up

Blissey learns the following moves in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet at the levels specified.

1CharmFairyStatus 100
1CovetNormalPhysical 60 100
1Defense CurlNormalStatus
1Disarming VoiceFairySpecial 40
1PoundNormalPhysical 40 100
1Sweet KissFairyStatus 75
4Tail WhipNormalStatus 100
8Echoed VoiceNormalSpecial 40 100
12Life DewWaterStatus
16SingNormalStatus 55
20FlingDarkPhysical 100
24Take DownNormalPhysical 90 85
28Heal PulsePsychicStatus
32Helping HandNormalStatus
36Light ScreenPsychicStatus
40Double-EdgeNormalPhysical 120 100
48Last ResortNormalPhysical 140 100
52Healing WishPsychicStatus

Egg moves

Blissey learns the following moves via breeding or picnics in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. Details and compatible parents can be found on the Blissey gen 9 learnset page.

Heal BellNormalStatus
PresentNormalPhysical 90
Seismic TossFightingPhysical 100

Moves learnt by TM

Blissey is compatible with these Technical Machines in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet:

01Take DownNormalPhysical 90 85
02CharmFairyStatus 100
11Water PulseWaterSpecial 60 100
18ThiefDarkPhysical 60 100
19Disarming VoiceFairySpecial 40
20TrailblazeGrassPhysical 50 100
22Chilling WaterWaterSpecial 50 100
25FacadeNormalPhysical 70 100
28BulldozeGroundPhysical 60 100
32SwiftNormalSpecial 60
34Icy WindIceSpecial 55 95
36Rock TombRockPhysical 60 95
41Stored PowerPsychicSpecial 20 100
43FlingDarkPhysical 100
46AvalancheIcePhysical 60 100
49Sunny DayFireStatus
50Rain DanceWaterStatus
58Brick BreakFightingPhysical 75 100
59Zen HeadbuttPsychicPhysical 80 90
66Body SlamNormalPhysical 85 100
67Fire PunchFirePhysical 75 100
68Thunder PunchElectricPhysical 75 100
69Ice PunchIcePhysical 75 100
70Sleep TalkNormalStatus
73Drain PunchFightingPhysical 75 100
75Light ScreenPsychicStatus
79Dazzling GleamFairySpecial 80 100
81Grass KnotGrassSpecial 100
82Thunder WaveElectricStatus 90
84Stomping TantrumGroundPhysical 75 100
86Rock SlideRockPhysical 75 90
98Skill SwapPsychicStatus
109TrickPsychicStatus 100
114Shadow BallGhostSpecial 80 100
116Stealth RockRockStatus
117Hyper VoiceNormalSpecial 90 100
120PsychicPsychicSpecial 90 100
125FlamethrowerFireSpecial 90 100
126ThunderboltElectricSpecial 90 100
129Calm MindPsychicStatus
130Helping HandNormalStatus
135Ice BeamIceSpecial 90 100
136Electric TerrainElectricStatus
141Fire BlastFireSpecial 110 85
143BlizzardIceSpecial 110 70
147Wild ChargeElectricPhysical 90 100
149EarthquakeGroundPhysical 100 100
152Giga ImpactNormalPhysical 150 90
158Focus BlastFightingSpecial 120 70
163Hyper BeamNormalSpecial 150 90
166ThunderElectricSpecial 110 70
168Solar BeamGrassSpecial 120 100
171Tera BlastNormalSpecial 80 100
192Focus PunchFightingPhysical 150 100
203Psych UpNormalStatus
204Double-EdgeNormalPhysical 120 100
205EndeavorNormalPhysical 100
227Alluring VoiceFairySpecial 80 100

Moves learnt by level up

Blissey learns the following moves in Pokémon Legends: Arceus at the levels specified.

1TackleNormalPhysical 40 100
6Fairy WindFairySpecial 40 100
11Baby-Doll EyesFairyStatus 100
18Draining KissFairySpecial 50 100
25Calm MindPsychicStatus
43Double-EdgeNormalPhysical 120 100

Move Tutor moves

Blissey can be taught these attacks in Pokémon Legends: Arceus from move tutors:

Baby-Doll EyesFairyStatus 100
BulldozeGroundPhysical 60 100
Calm MindPsychicStatus
Charge BeamElectricSpecial 50 90
Dazzling GleamFairySpecial 80 100
Drain PunchFightingPhysical 75 100
Fire PunchFirePhysical 75 100
FlamethrowerFireSpecial 90 100
Giga ImpactNormalPhysical 150 90
Hyper BeamNormalSpecial 150 90
Ice BeamIceSpecial 90 100
Ice PunchIcePhysical 75 100
Icy WindIceSpecial 55 95
Iron TailSteelPhysical 100 75
Power ShiftNormalStatus
PsychicPsychicSpecial 90 100
Rock SlideRockPhysical 75 90
Rock SmashFightingPhysical 40 100
Shadow BallGhostSpecial 80 100
Stealth RockRockStatus
Thunder PunchElectricPhysical 75 100
ThunderboltElectricSpecial 90 100
Tri AttackNormalSpecial 80 100
Water PulseWaterSpecial 60 100
Wild ChargeElectricPhysical 90 100
Zen HeadbuttPsychicPhysical 80 90

Blissey sprites

Type Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6 Generation 7 Generation 8 Generation 9
Normal Blissey sprite from Silver Blissey sprite from Ruby & Sapphire Blissey sprite from Diamond & Pearl Blissey sprite from Black & White Blissey sprite from X & Y Blissey sprite from Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Blissey sprite from Sword & Shield Blissey sprite from Scarlet & Violet
Shiny Blissey Shiny sprite from Silver Blissey Shiny sprite from Ruby & Sapphire Blissey Shiny sprite from Diamond & Pearl Blissey Shiny sprite from Black & White Blissey Shiny sprite from X & Y Blissey Shiny sprite from Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon

Where to find Blissey

Evolve Chansey
Trade/migrate from another game
Evolve Chansey
Emerald Trade/migrate from another game
Evolve Chansey/Happiny
Black Trade/migrate from another game
White Evolve Chansey/Happiny
Black 2
White 2
Trade/migrate from another game
Trade/migrate from another game
Omega Ruby
Alpha Sapphire
Evolve Chansey/Happiny
Evolve Chansey/Happiny
Ultra Sun
Ultra Moon
Poni Plains
Let's Go Pikachu
Let's Go Eevee
Not available in this game
Brawlers' Cave, Challenge Beach, Challenge Road, Courageous Cavern, Fields of Honor, Forest of Focus, Honeycalm Island, Loop Lagoon, Potbottom Desert, Soothing Wetlands, Stepping-Stone Sea, Training Lowlands, Warm-Up Tunnel, Workout Sea
Brilliant Diamond
Shining Pearl
Evolve Chansey/Happiny
Legends: Arceus Obsidian Falls, Avalanche Slopes
Tagtree Thicket, Asado Desert, North Province (Area One), North Province (Area Two), North Province (Area Three), South Province (Area One), South Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Four), South Province (Area Five), South Province (Area Six), West Province (Area One), Glaseado Mountain, East Paldean Sea, The Pokémon League

Answers to Blissey questions

Other languages

English Blissey
Japanese ハピナス (Happinas)
German Heiteira
French Leuphorie
Italian Blissey
Spanish Blissey
Korean 해피너스 (haepineoseu)
Chinese (Simplified) 幸福蛋
Chinese (Traditional) 幸福蛋


English Happiness Pokémon
Japanese しあわせポケモン
German Freuden-Pokémon
French Pokémon Bonheur
Italian Pokémon Felicità
Spanish Pokémon Felicidad
Korean 행복포켓몬
Chinese (Simplified) 幸福宝可梦
Chinese (Traditional) 幸福寶可夢

Name origin

happiness (required for evolution from Chansey)