
Thundurus is an Electric/Flying type Pokémon introduced in Generation 5.

Thundurus (Incarnate Forme) artwork by Ken Sugimori

Additional artwork

Pokédex data

National № 0642
Type Electric Flying
Species Bolt Strike Pokémon
Height 1.5 m (4′11″)
Weight 61.0 kg (134.5 lbs)
Abilities 1. Prankster
Defiant (hidden ability)
Local № 0148 (Black/White)
0199 (Black 2/White 2)
0232 (Legends: Arceus)


EV yield 3 Attack
Catch rate 3 (0.4% with PokéBall, full HP)
Base Friendship 90 (higher than normal)
Base Exp. 290
Growth Rate Slow


Egg Groups Undiscovered
Gender 100% male, 0% female
Egg cycles 120 (30,584–30,840 steps)

Base stats

HP 79
268 362
Attack 115
211 361
Defense 70
130 262
Sp. Atk 125
229 383
Sp. Def 80
148 284
Speed 111
204 353
Total 580 Min Max

The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs.

Type defenses

The effectiveness of each type on Thundurus.

Thundurus (Therian Forme) artwork by Ken Sugimori

Additional artwork

Pokédex data

National № 0642
Type Electric Flying
Species Bolt Strike Pokémon
Height 3.0 m (9′10″)
Weight 61.0 kg (134.5 lbs)
Abilities 1. Volt Absorb
Local № 0148 (Black/White)
0199 (Black 2/White 2)
0232 (Legends: Arceus)


EV yield 3 Sp. Atk
Catch rate 3 (0.4% with PokéBall, full HP)
Base Friendship 90 (higher than normal)
Base Exp. 290
Growth Rate Slow


Egg Groups Undiscovered
Gender 100% male, 0% female
Egg cycles 120 (30,584–30,840 steps)

Base stats

HP 79
268 362
Attack 105
193 339
Defense 70
130 262
Sp. Atk 145
265 427
Sp. Def 80
148 284
Speed 101
186 331
Total 580 Min Max

The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs.

Type defenses

The effectiveness of each type on Thundurus.

Evolution chart

Thundurus changes

Pokédex entries

Incarnate Forme

Black Countless charred remains mar the landscape of places through which Thundurus has passed.
White The spikes on its tail discharge immense bolts of lightning. It flies around the Unova region firing off lightning bolts.
Black 2
White 2
As it flies around, it shoots lightning all over the place and causes forest fires. It is therefore disliked.
Omega Ruby
The spikes on its tail discharge immense bolts of lightning. It flies around the Unova region firing off lightning bolts.
Alpha Sapphire
As it flies around, it shoots lightning all over the place and causes forest fires. It is therefore disliked.
Legends: Arceus They say this wielder of electricity has waged war with its nemesis, Tornadus, since time immemorial. The lightning bolts it hurls pierce the very earth and enrich the soil.

Therian Forme

Legends: Arceus Quick as a flash, it materializes out of nowhere. It pulverizes foes into nothingness with showers of devastatingly powerful lightning bolts launched from the string of orbs on its tail.

Moves learned by Thundurus

Moves learnt by level up

Thundurus learns the following moves in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet at the levels specified.

1AstonishGhostPhysical 30 100
1Thunder ShockElectricSpecial 40 100
5LeerNormalStatus 100
10SwaggerNormalStatus 85
15BiteDarkPhysical 60 100
20Shock WaveElectricSpecial 60
35Volt SwitchElectricSpecial 70 100
40CrunchDarkPhysical 80 100
45DischargeElectricSpecial 80 100
50UproarNormalSpecial 90 100
55Hammer ArmFightingPhysical 100 90
60Rain DanceWaterStatus
65ThunderElectricSpecial 110 70
70ThrashNormalPhysical 120 100
75Wildbolt StormElectricSpecial 100 80

Egg moves

Thundurus does not learn any moves by breeding in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.

Moves learnt by TM

Thundurus is compatible with these Technical Machines in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet:

01Take DownNormalPhysical 90 85
06Scary FaceNormalStatus 100
14AcrobaticsFlyingPhysical 55 100
18ThiefDarkPhysical 60 100
23Charge BeamElectricSpecial 50 90
25FacadeNormalPhysical 70 100
30SnarlDarkSpecial 55 95
43FlingDarkPhysical 100
48Volt SwitchElectricSpecial 70 100
49Sunny DayFireStatus
50Rain DanceWaterStatus
53Smart StrikeSteelPhysical 70
58Brick BreakFightingPhysical 75 100
59Zen HeadbuttPsychicPhysical 80 90
60U-turnBugPhysical 70 100
62Foul PlayDarkPhysical 95 100
64Bulk UpFightingStatus
66Body SlamNormalPhysical 85 100
68Thunder PunchElectricPhysical 75 100
70Sleep TalkNormalStatus
72Electro BallElectricSpecial 100
81Grass KnotGrassSpecial 100
82Thunder WaveElectricStatus 90
87TauntDarkStatus 100
93Flash CannonSteelSpecial 80 100
94Dark PulseDarkSpecial 80 100
96Eerie ImpulseElectricStatus 100
97FlyFlyingPhysical 90 95
108CrunchDarkPhysical 80 100
120PsychicPsychicSpecial 90 100
126ThunderboltElectricSpecial 90 100
136Electric TerrainElectricStatus
140Nasty PlotDarkStatus
147Wild ChargeElectricPhysical 90 100
148Sludge BombPoisonSpecial 90 100
152Giga ImpactNormalPhysical 150 90
158Focus BlastFightingSpecial 120 70
163Hyper BeamNormalSpecial 150 90
166ThunderElectricSpecial 110 70
171Tera BlastNormalSpecial 80 100
179Smack DownRockPhysical 50 100
181Knock OffDarkPhysical 65 100
191UproarNormalSpecial 90 100
193Weather BallNormalSpecial 50 100
199Lash OutDarkPhysical 75 100
210Supercell SlamElectricPhysical 100 95
211ElectrowebElectricSpecial 55 95
214Sludge WavePoisonSpecial 95 100

Moves learnt by level up

Thundurus learns the following moves in Pokémon Legends: Arceus at the levels specified.

1TackleNormalPhysical 40 100
7BiteDarkPhysical 60 100
11TwisterDragonSpecial 40 100
14SparkElectricPhysical 65 100
22Nasty PlotDarkStatus
31ExtrasensoryPsychicSpecial 80 100
41CrunchDarkPhysical 80 100
47ThunderElectricSpecial 110 70
52Wildbolt StormElectricSpecial 100 80

Move Tutor moves

Thundurus can be taught these attacks in Pokémon Legends: Arceus from move tutors:

Bulk UpFightingStatus
Charge BeamElectricSpecial 50 90
Dark PulseDarkSpecial 80 100
Flash CannonSteelSpecial 80 100
Giga ImpactNormalPhysical 150 90
Hyper BeamNormalSpecial 150 90
Iron TailSteelPhysical 100 75
Power ShiftNormalStatus
PsychicPsychicSpecial 90 100
Rock SmashFightingPhysical 40 100
Sludge BombPoisonSpecial 90 100
Thunder PunchElectricPhysical 75 100
ThunderboltElectricSpecial 90 100
Wild ChargeElectricPhysical 90 100

Thundurus sprites

Type Generation 5 Generation 6 Generation 7 Generation 8 Generation 9
Normal Thundurus sprite from Black & White Thundurus sprite from X & Y Thundurus sprite from Legends: Arceus Thundurus sprite from Scarlet & Violet
Shiny Thundurus Shiny sprite from Black & White Thundurus Shiny sprite from X & Y Thundurus Shiny sprite from Legends: Arceus

Where to find Thundurus

Black Trade/migrate from another game
White Roaming Unova
Black 2
White 2
Trade/migrate from another game
Omega Ruby
Alpha Sapphire
Trade/migrate from another game
Ultra Sun
Trade/migrate from another game
Ultra Moon Ultra Space Wilds
Let's Go Pikachu
Let's Go Eevee
Not available in this game
Trade/migrate from another game
Brilliant Diamond
Shining Pearl
Not available in this game
Legends: Arceus Coastlands Camp
Location data not yet available

Answers to Thundurus questions

Other languages

English Thundurus
Japanese ボルトロス (Voltolos)
German Voltolos
French Fulguris
Italian Thundurus
Spanish Thundurus
Korean 볼트로스 (bolteuroseu)
Chinese (Simplified) 雷电云
Chinese (Traditional) 雷電雲


English Bolt Strike Pokémon
Japanese らいげきポケモン
German Torpedo-Pokémon
French Pokémon Foudroyeur
Italian Pokémon Fulminante
Spanish Pokémon Centella
Korean 뇌격포켓몬
Chinese (Simplified) 雷击宝可梦
Chinese (Traditional) 雷擊寶可夢

Name origin

loud noise produced by a lightning strike
common cloud suffix; possession of a given quality