
Rotom is an Electric/Ghost type Pokémon introduced in Generation 4.

Rotom has 5 alternate forms introduced in Pokémon Platinum. Rotom transforms when it possesses different household appliances: an oven (Heat Rotom), a washing machine (Wash Rotom), a refrigerator (Frost Rotom), a fan (Fan Rotom), and a lawnmower (Mow Rotom).

Rotom artwork by Ken Sugimori

Additional artwork

Pokédex data

National № 0479
Type Electric Ghost
Species Plasma Pokémon
Height 0.3 m (1′00″)
Weight 0.3 kg (0.7 lbs)
Abilities 1. Levitate
Local № 0152 (Platinum)
0068 (X/Y — Mountain Kalos)
0372 (Sword/Shield)
0194 (Legends: Arceus)
0310 (Scarlet/Violet)
0041 (The Indigo Disk)


EV yield 1 Sp. Atk, 1 Speed
Catch rate 45 (5.9% with PokéBall, full HP)
Base Friendship 50 (normal)
Base Exp. 154
Growth Rate Medium Fast


Egg Groups Amorphous
Gender Genderless
Egg cycles 20 (4,884–5,140 steps)

Base stats

HP 50
210 304
Attack 50
94 218
Defense 77
143 278
Sp. Atk 95
175 317
Sp. Def 77
143 278
Speed 91
168 309
Total 440 Min Max

The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs.

Type defenses

The effectiveness of each type on Rotom.

Rotom (Heat Rotom) artwork by Ken Sugimori

Additional artwork

Pokédex data

National № 0479
Type Electric Fire
Species Plasma Pokémon
Height 0.3 m (1′00″)
Weight 0.3 kg (0.7 lbs)
Abilities 1. Levitate
Local № 0152 (Platinum)
0068 (X/Y — Mountain Kalos)
0372 (Sword/Shield)
0194 (Legends: Arceus)
0310 (Scarlet/Violet)
0041 (The Indigo Disk)


EV yield 1 Sp. Atk, 1 Speed
Catch rate 45 (5.9% with PokéBall, full HP)
Base Friendship 50 (normal)
Base Exp. 182
Growth Rate Medium Fast


Egg Groups Amorphous
Gender Genderless
Egg cycles 20 (4,884–5,140 steps)

Base stats

HP 50
210 304
Attack 65
121 251
Defense 107
197 344
Sp. Atk 105
193 339
Sp. Def 107
197 344
Speed 86
159 298
Total 520 Min Max

The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs.

Type defenses

The effectiveness of each type on Rotom.

Rotom (Wash Rotom) artwork by Ken Sugimori

Additional artwork

Pokédex data

National № 0479
Type Electric Water
Species Plasma Pokémon
Height 0.3 m (1′00″)
Weight 0.3 kg (0.7 lbs)
Abilities 1. Levitate
Local № 0152 (Platinum)
0068 (X/Y — Mountain Kalos)
0372 (Sword/Shield)
0194 (Legends: Arceus)
0310 (Scarlet/Violet)
0041 (The Indigo Disk)


EV yield 1 Sp. Atk, 1 Speed
Catch rate 45 (5.9% with PokéBall, full HP)
Base Friendship 50 (normal)
Base Exp. 182
Growth Rate Medium Fast


Egg Groups Amorphous
Gender Genderless
Egg cycles 20 (4,884–5,140 steps)

Base stats

HP 50
210 304
Attack 65
121 251
Defense 107
197 344
Sp. Atk 105
193 339
Sp. Def 107
197 344
Speed 86
159 298
Total 520 Min Max

The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs.

Type defenses

The effectiveness of each type on Rotom.

Rotom (Frost Rotom) artwork by Ken Sugimori

Additional artwork

Pokédex data

National № 0479
Type Electric Ice
Species Plasma Pokémon
Height 0.3 m (1′00″)
Weight 0.3 kg (0.7 lbs)
Abilities 1. Levitate
Local № 0152 (Platinum)
0068 (X/Y — Mountain Kalos)
0372 (Sword/Shield)
0194 (Legends: Arceus)
0310 (Scarlet/Violet)
0041 (The Indigo Disk)


EV yield 1 Sp. Atk, 1 Speed
Catch rate 45 (5.9% with PokéBall, full HP)
Base Friendship 50 (normal)
Base Exp. 182
Growth Rate Medium Fast


Egg Groups Amorphous
Gender Genderless
Egg cycles 20 (4,884–5,140 steps)

Base stats

HP 50
210 304
Attack 65
121 251
Defense 107
197 344
Sp. Atk 105
193 339
Sp. Def 107
197 344
Speed 86
159 298
Total 520 Min Max

The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs.

Type defenses

The effectiveness of each type on Rotom.

Rotom (Fan Rotom) artwork by Ken Sugimori

Additional artwork

Pokédex data

National № 0479
Type Electric Flying
Species Plasma Pokémon
Height 0.3 m (1′00″)
Weight 0.3 kg (0.7 lbs)
Abilities 1. Levitate
Local № 0152 (Platinum)
0068 (X/Y — Mountain Kalos)
0372 (Sword/Shield)
0194 (Legends: Arceus)
0310 (Scarlet/Violet)
0041 (The Indigo Disk)


EV yield 1 Sp. Atk, 1 Speed
Catch rate 45 (5.9% with PokéBall, full HP)
Base Friendship 50 (normal)
Base Exp. 182
Growth Rate Medium Fast


Egg Groups Amorphous
Gender Genderless
Egg cycles 20 (4,884–5,140 steps)

Base stats

HP 50
210 304
Attack 65
121 251
Defense 107
197 344
Sp. Atk 105
193 339
Sp. Def 107
197 344
Speed 86
159 298
Total 520 Min Max

The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs.

Type defenses

The effectiveness of each type on Rotom.

Rotom (Mow Rotom) artwork by Ken Sugimori

Additional artwork

Pokédex data

National № 0479
Type Electric Grass
Species Plasma Pokémon
Height 0.3 m (1′00″)
Weight 0.3 kg (0.7 lbs)
Abilities 1. Levitate
Local № 0152 (Platinum)
0068 (X/Y — Mountain Kalos)
0372 (Sword/Shield)
0194 (Legends: Arceus)
0310 (Scarlet/Violet)
0041 (The Indigo Disk)


EV yield 1 Sp. Atk, 1 Speed
Catch rate 45 (5.9% with PokéBall, full HP)
Base Friendship 50 (normal)
Base Exp. 182
Growth Rate Medium Fast


Egg Groups Amorphous
Gender Genderless
Egg cycles 20 (4,884–5,140 steps)

Base stats

HP 50
210 304
Attack 65
121 251
Defense 107
197 344
Sp. Atk 105
193 339
Sp. Def 107
197 344
Speed 86
159 298
Total 520 Min Max

The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs.

Type defenses

The effectiveness of each type on Rotom.

Evolution chart

Rotom changes

Pokédex entries


Its body is composed of plasma. It is known to infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc.
Platinum Its electric-like body can enter some kinds of machines and take control in order to make mischief.
Research continues on this Pokémon, which could be the power source of a unique motor.
Black 2
White 2
Its electric-like body can enter some kinds of machines and take control in order to make mischief.
Omega Ruby
Research continues on this Pokémon, which could be the power source of a unique motor.
Alpha Sapphire
Its body is composed of plasma. It is known to infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc.
Sword One boy’s invention led to the development of many different machines that take advantage of Rotom’s unique capabilities.
Shield With a body made of plasma, it can inhabit all sorts of machines. It loves to surprise others.
Brilliant Diamond
Shining Pearl
Its body is composed of plasma. It is known to infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc.
Legends: Arceus This bizarre Pokémon appears to be a will-o’-the-wisp powered by electricity. Be wary, as Rotom is both smart and mischievous.
Scarlet Its electricity-like body can enter some kinds of machines and take control in order to make mischief.
Violet Research continues on this Pokémon, which could be the power source of a unique motor.

Heat Rotom

Sword This Rotom has possessed a convection microwave oven that uses a special motor. It also has a flair for manipulating flames.
Shield This form of Rotom enjoys making mischief by turning up the heat. It will gleefully burn your favorite outfit.
Legends: Arceus A form in which Rotom lurks within a strange cauldron. The cauldron’s origin is unknown. A bothersome Pokémon, causing trouble with the flames it spits.
Scarlet If the convection microwave oven is not working properly, then the Rotom inhabiting it will become lethargic.
Violet This Rotom has possessed a convection microwave oven. It will sear the surrounding area with its burning heat, then smile in delight.

Wash Rotom

Sword This form of Rotom enjoys coming up with water-based pranks. Be careful with it if you don’t want your room flooded.
Shield This Rotom has possessed a washing machine that uses a special motor. It blasts out water to get enemies to back down.
Legends: Arceus A form in which Rotom lurks within an odd bureau. The bureau’s purpose is unknown. A bothersome Pokémon, causing trouble by splashing cold water everywhere.
Scarlet This Rotom has entered a washing machine. It nods with satisfaction after it floods the surrounding area.
Violet The model of washing machine that Rotom can inspirit has been discontinued, so these appliances are now traded at high prices.

Frost Rotom

Sword Rotom assumes this form when it takes over a refrigerator powered by a special motor. It battles by spewing cold air.
Shield When it’s like this, Rotom likes to play pranks that are freezing cold. You may find it’s turned the bath you just filled to solid ice!
Legends: Arceus A form in which Rotom lurks within a bizarre cupboard. The cupboard’s composition is unknown. A bothersome Pokémon, causing trouble by frosting everything over.
Scarlet This Rotom has entered a refrigerator. It leaps around gleefully after it uses cold air to freeze the area around it.
Violet The special motor within the refrigerator is the key to bringing about Rotom’s change in form.

Fan Rotom

Sword In this form, Rotom applies its new power over wind to its love of pranks. It will happily blow away any important documents it can find.
Shield This Rotom has taken over a fan that has a special motor. Its gusts of wind blow its opponents away!
Legends: Arceus A form in which Rotom lurks within a mysterious contraption. The contraption’s purpose is unknown. A bothersome Pokémon, causing trouble by stirring up powerful winds.
Scarlet This Rotom has entered an electric fan. It smirks with satisfaction over a prank well pulled after it blows away everything around it.
Violet There are several appliances that Rotom can inspirit, but the first one to be developed was the electric fan.

Mow Rotom

Sword This is Rotom after it’s seized control of a lawn mower that has a special motor. As it mows down grass, it scatters the clippings everywhere.
Shield In this form, Rotom focuses its antics on plants. Any flowers you were growing are going to get mowed down.
Legends: Arceus A form in which Rotom lurks within a misshapen wheelbarrow. The wheelbarrow’s mechanisms are bizarre. It’s a bothersome Pokémon, causing trouble by mowing down grass and trees.
Scarlet The lawn mower is one of the household appliances that led to the development of the Rotom Dex.
Violet This Rotom has possessed a lawn mower. It will mow down grass and flowers, then swagger around with pride at its accomplishments.

Moves learned by Rotom

Moves learnt by level up

Rotom learns the following moves in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet at the levels specified.

1AstonishGhostPhysical 30 100
1Double TeamNormalStatus
5Thunder ShockElectricSpecial 40 100
10Confuse RayGhostStatus 100
20Electro BallElectricSpecial 100
25Thunder WaveElectricStatus 90
30Shock WaveElectricSpecial 60
35HexGhostSpecial 65 100
45TrickPsychicStatus 100
50DischargeElectricSpecial 80 100
55UproarNormalSpecial 90 100

Egg moves

Rotom does not learn any moves by breeding in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.

Moves learnt by TM

Rotom is compatible with these Technical Machines in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet:

17Confuse RayGhostStatus 100
18ThiefDarkPhysical 60 100
23Charge BeamElectricSpecial 50 90
25FacadeNormalPhysical 70 100
29HexGhostSpecial 65 100
32SwiftNormalSpecial 60
41Stored PowerPsychicSpecial 20 100
42Night ShadeGhostSpecial 100
48Volt SwitchElectricSpecial 70 100
49Sunny DayFireStatus
50Rain DanceWaterStatus
62Foul PlayDarkPhysical 95 100
70Sleep TalkNormalStatus
72Electro BallElectricSpecial 100
75Light ScreenPsychicStatus
82Thunder WaveElectricStatus 90
94Dark PulseDarkSpecial 80 100
96Eerie ImpulseElectricStatus 100
107Will-O-WispFireStatus 85
109TrickPsychicStatus 100
114Shadow BallGhostSpecial 80 100
117Hyper VoiceNormalSpecial 90 100
126ThunderboltElectricSpecial 90 100
130Helping HandNormalStatus
136Electric TerrainElectricStatus
140Nasty PlotDarkStatus
166ThunderElectricSpecial 110 70
171Tera BlastNormalSpecial 80 100
177SpiteGhostStatus 100
191UproarNormalSpecial 90 100
198PoltergeistGhostPhysical 110 90
202Pain SplitNormalStatus
211ElectrowebElectricSpecial 55 95

Moves learnt by level up

Rotom learns the following moves in Pokémon Legends: Arceus at the levels specified.

1Thunder ShockElectricSpecial 40 100
6Charge BeamElectricSpecial 50 90
11HexGhostSpecial 65 100
18Thunder WaveElectricStatus 90
25Shadow BallGhostSpecial 80 100
34ThunderboltElectricSpecial 90 100
43ThunderElectricSpecial 110 70

Move Tutor moves

Rotom can be taught these attacks in Pokémon Legends: Arceus from move tutors:

Charge BeamElectricSpecial 50 90
Dark PulseDarkSpecial 80 100
Ominous WindGhostSpecial 60 100
Shadow BallGhostSpecial 80 100
SwiftNormalSpecial 60
ThunderboltElectricSpecial 90 100

Rotom sprites

Type Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6 Generation 7 Generation 8 Generation 9
Normal Rotom sprite from Diamond & Pearl Rotom sprite from Black & White Rotom sprite from X & Y Rotom sprite from Sword & Shield Rotom sprite from Scarlet & Violet
Shiny Rotom Shiny sprite from Diamond & Pearl Rotom Shiny sprite from Black & White Rotom Shiny sprite from X & Y

Where to find Rotom

Old Chateau
Trade/migrate from another game
Black 2
White 2
Route 15
Lost Hotel
Omega Ruby
Alpha Sapphire
Trade/migrate from another game
Trade/migrate from another game
Ultra Sun
Ultra Moon
Poni Gauntlet
Let's Go Pikachu
Let's Go Eevee
Not available in this game
Lake of Outrage
Brilliant Diamond
Shining Pearl
Trade/migrate from another game
Legends: Arceus Sacred Plaza, Stonetooth Rows
East Province (Area Two), West Province (Area Two)

Answers to Rotom questions

Other languages

English Rotom
Japanese ロトム (Rotom)
German Rotom
French Motisma
Italian Rotom
Spanish Rotom
Korean 로토무 (rotomu)
Chinese (Simplified) 洛托姆
Chinese (Traditional) 洛托姆


English Plasma Pokémon
Japanese プラズマポケモン
German Plasma-Pokémon
French Pokémon Plasma
Italian Pokémon Plasma
Spanish Pokémon Plasma
Korean 플라스마포켓몬
Chinese (Simplified) 等离子宝可梦
Chinese (Traditional) 等離子寶可夢

Name origin

Rotom is ‘motor’ backwards